Wall sticker Be happy
by Javirroyo
Wall sticker Be happy
by JavirroyoWall sticker Be happy
by Javirroyo(only for deliveries within Spain)
Don't worry be happy! Hakuna matata! It does not matter if you say it in English or in Swahili, it's a great philosophy of life: do not worry, there are no problems, or at least you can solve it by going round and round in your head, enjoy every moment and have fun.
We are not so naive, we already know that every day we have problems; some large, others medium and others very tiny. But we tend to see them all huge, and sometimes we even imagine problems that we do not have.
Make a space in your house to this quote wall sticker, simple but sweet that reminds you every day that at least, leave the house with a smile on.
If you want it to look like the picture we have made, choose the size of 58 x 85 cm.